Friday, September 23, 2011

Rules for Dividers

I've learned that there are many rules that apply to dividers. (Dividers separate area's of the screen.) Rules like those for inside and outside dividers (outside and inside dividers are used in setting rows, and columns).

When you work with dividers there will be many times that you will scratch your head, and ponder for hours. You will try one thing after another, until you get it right.

Inside dividers should be fixed widths, one column cannot be longer than the other; otherwise, you will have an overlap. When setting up rows and columns, the widths for a divider must be adjusted to account for borders.

Borders can offset the width of a divider by several pixels. Arrange your dividers carefully. A divider with a dynamic height will be handled different by the browser, than a divider with a fixed height.

There are many more rules that apply to dividers, than the ones I have mentioned in this blog entry. I will update this blog entry with new information, as I come across it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ajax Ready States

Ajax ready states tell the browser what to do depending in different scenarios. What
to do while processing, or when a connection is complete.

They are as follows;

0: not initialized.

This is the state of the connection before the open
command is called.

1: connection established.

This state occurs after you have called the open command, but
before you have called the send command.

2: request received.

This occurs when the request has been sent, and at
the headers are available.

3: answer in process.

Here the information is being processed. At this point
you can display a wait message to the user.

4: finished.

This is the state when the request has been completed. At this point
you clear the wait message, and assign some other information to the
user if you wish.

Ready states are very useful in handling information being sent, and received from the server. You can display wait messages, and perform other tasks while a request is being made.

As you develop interactive websites, and online applications, you will become familiar Ajax ready states.

Programming for the Web